Partners In Your Case
At the Law Offices of J. Alison Cimino, P.C., we provide high-quality legal services and expertise. Alison, an experienced Albuquerque immigration attorney, offers consular processing, citizenship and permanent residence services. Alison is passionate about helping her clients understand and navigate the complexity of the immigration process.
We are a partner to our clients and their families on their immigration journeys. Call to schedule an appointment.
Alison graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law in 2003 with clinical honors. She has exclusively practiced immigration law for over twenty years. In 2009, she opened her own practice to focus on family-based immigration, helping victims of crime and domestic violence, consular processing, and naturalization cases. She also prepares applications for religious, performance, fiancé and cultural exchange visas, as well as waivers for clients who have left the United States in order to gain lawful status. Securing a legal return to the U.S. for these clients is her most rewarding work. She also represents clients who are facing deportation in Immigration Court.
Alison is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the New Mexico State Bar’s Immigration Law section. She has been a consultant for the University of New Mexico School of Law’s Clinical Law Program for over ten years. She is also a fluent Spanish speaker.
AnaKaren Olivas was born in Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua, Mexico. After immigrating to the United States at only two years old, she graduated from the South Valley Academy and the University of New Mexico, where she majored in Political Science and Spanish. A former Congressional Intern for Senator Tom Udall in Washington, D.C., AnaKaren has a deep interest in immigration law, and is driven to help families and communities like her own.
Annabel Hermosillo de Sias was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She graduated with honors from Highland High School, and earned her Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies from Central New Mexico Community College in 2020. She first started at the Law Office of Alison Cimino as an intern, and has a keen interest in immigration law and in helping families make the American dream their reality.
Elizabeth Ramirez was born in Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. She immigrated to the United States and began living in Liberal, Kansas. She worked at a non-profit organization which provided various services to the immigrant community. In 2004 she moved to Albuquerque, NM and worked for an Immigration attorney for eighteen years. There she met Alison who was a young lawyer. Elizabeth has been helping immigrants and their families for many years. In her free time she enjoys spending time with family and her husband of more than thirty years, Raul.
Ana Lucia was born in Nicaragua, she studied Accounting and Auditing at the Central American University. She worked in Multinational Companies in Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. In May 2023 she emigrated to the United States. Her purpose is to serve and help families with their immigration processes.
Vianey Bernal was born in Espanola, New Mexico. Her interest in law stems from her home and life experiences with the immigrant community. She is working to get her bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of New Mexico in December 2024. She plans on continuing her studies at the UNM Law School. She hopes to use this knowledge to continue supporting her community.
“Agradecida con Dios por harla conocido y solo le pido much a Dios que la cuide mucho para que nos siga ayudando.
Gracias por todo y usted ya sabe que le vivire agradecida por todo lo que ha hecho por mi y mi familia. Gracias”
“Ms. Cimino, Thank you so much for everything. Hopefully the next time I’ll see you, it’ll be to apply for a residency because I’ll be a registered nurse! Once again thank you so much!”
“Gracias, Muchas Gracias por toda su ayuda. Que Dios la siga bendiciendo en su vida porque hay pocas personas honestas y con un corazon grande como Usted. No tenemos palabras suficientes para el eterno agradacimiento.”
“All my gratitude for the excellent work you did for my case to its achievement. May you be blessed forever.”
“We greatly appreciate everything you did for us. You made a big difference in our life.”
“The work you do makes a huge difference in the lives of others. With your help our worries are gone. We are so grateful.”
“Muy agradecidas por esta grande oportunidad que nos das. Para llegar hacer mejores y triunfadoras personas. Gracias.”
“Abogada, quiero agradecerle por avernos ayudado. En Julio fuimos para Mexico. Llege de sorpresa. Toda mi familia estaba muy contenta, en especial mi abuelito que tiene 91 anos. Y mis tias y tios que tenia 8 anos sin verlos. Siempre que puedo rezo una oracion por usted y todo su equipo de trabajo. Para que sigan ayudando a mas personas como yo. Y para que esas personas se reunian con sus familias como lo hize yo.
“We want to thank you so much for your hard work. Thank you and God Bless you Alison.”
“Infinitamente agradecidos siempre con Uds. Dios bendiga su trabajo, sus familias, y a cada una de Uds.”
“Thank you so much for all that you have done for me and my family. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. You truly went above and beyond. You are all amazing at what you do!”
“We made it because of you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“Alison, Mil gracias por los que esta haciendo por nuestra familia. Se lo agradecemos de todo corazon.”
Our offices are located at the corner of Lomas and 13th Street in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our address is 1300 Lomas Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104. To schedule a consultation, please call us at 505-842-0888.